Dental Health Management Solutions Cde Mds


Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ebad Khan Institute of Oral Health Sciences (DIKIOHS) was established in year the 2006, for the enhancement of academic excellence in dentistry with a need for an, increase in human resource required for the provision of community health care. DIKIOHS is the most modern Institute of Pakistan fully equipped with latest equipment's and health care facilities and supervised by highly qualified dental surgeons scarcely found in Pakistan. Envisioned to be the Centre of excellence for dental education, it offers Undergraduate BDS and Postgraduate education (MDS, MSc & FCPS); Furthermore, it is a recognized institute by the PM&DC & CPSP.

The total duration of the Undergraduates Programs (BDS & BS-DCP) and the Postgraduate Programs (MDS, FCPS) is of 4 Years each, while that of (MSc Program) is of 2 years. Both undergraduate & postgraduate program are reinforced by research components as an integral part of fulfillment of degree requirements.

All the activities at the University level is being vigilantly monitored and evaluated by the Quality Enhancement Cell under the supreme guidance of Director QEC & QMR for the said departments. The institute has well equipped and spacious lecture halls for lecture delivery. The lab work is conducted in well-equipped labs associated with the departments. The institute has a Central Store for the provision of materials to the basic and clinical departments, as required. Furthermore, all materials required for laboratory work and clinical purposes for practice and patients' treatments is provided by Dr. Ishrat-ul-ebad Khan Institute of Oral Health Sciences.

The Institute has fully operational clinical dental OPDs, which are fully equipped with state of the art equipment for standards delivery of dental procedures.

Apart from curricular activities, the institute encourages co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and offers them to students at periodic intervals.

This tremendous growth of this Institute since formation proves that it will also flourish in the future at a very brisk rate to establish its recognition as a leading dental institute in research, academics and community health care. so that it can be a part of the World's top ranked list of Universities.

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Saeed Quraishy,
Vice Chancellor,
Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi

Message for
Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ebad Khan Institute of Oral Health Sciences, DUHS, Ojha Campus, Karachi

Message By Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Saeed Quraishy, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi

The necessity of medical education institution at a regional and international level was felt immensely. As a newly emerging discipline, medical education is getting popularity day by day. In the modern era of Evidence Based Medical (EBM), personal dogmas and deliberation are not enough to effectively deliver huge responsibility of imparting medical education.

Therefore, education theories along with documented research literature are needed to improve the quality of medical education. Despite staying behind the First World, we are aware of our local challenges and it is expected that this institute will not only prove to be a leader within the Dow University of Health Sciences setting but will also be a trend-setter for the whole region to redirect medical education activities on the right track.



Message for

Message By Dean (Faculty of Dentistry) and Principal - DIKIOHS, Prof. Dr. Anwar Ali , Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi

On behalf of my Dental faculty and staff, I would like to thank those visiting the webpage of Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ebad Khan Institute of Oral Health Sciences.

The aims of DUHS is to become an academic leader in medical education by generating creative, collaborative, contextual resources, so as to have high quality research and to improve overall health care system to benefit the community, by producing highly knowledgeable and skilled undergraduates and postgraduates and enhancing the skills of the faculty and staff.

This Institute has produced approximately six hundred dental graduates and 30 Post-graduates for the National Health Care System for the betterment of Pakistan and in line with SDG of Good Health and Wellbeing. This is all due to the exemplary leadership provided by DUHS in hiring the most competent professionals and faculty who are qualified, experienced and appropriate expertise in their designated fields of medicine, surgery and dentistry. The students of DIKIOHS are dedicated and inducted to a practice of lifelong learning and improvement of necessary and required skills

I encourage you to visit our Institute in person and I hope that you will find this prestigious Institute welcoming and up to your expectations.


To be the leading center of excellence in the field of dental education recognized by its quality educational programs, high profile innovative research, superior skills of graduates and highest degree of services to the community for improving their quality of life.


To achieve excellence in the art and science of dentistry through teaching, research, and services and to discover, disseminate and apply knowledge in the oral health sciences.


First Batch for Undergraduate Program BDS was inducted in year 2006 – 2007, as per PM&DC approval.

A School for Dental Care Professionals was established in 2007 to train Dental Hygienists and Technologists and the BS programs were subsequently offered in both disciplines to fulfill the need for qualified human resource in paramedical care.

Master of Dental Sciences (MDS-Basic Sciences) program was started in 2008, which aimed to produce qualified academics/teachers and researchers in the different disciplines of basic dental sciences (i.e. Science of Dental Materials, Oral Pathology, Oral Biology, and Community Dentistry).

Master of Dental Surgery (MDS-Clinical Sciences) program was started in 2009 aimed to produce qualified clinicians, academics and researchers in different disciplines of the clinical dental sciences (i.e. Operative Dentistry, Orthodontics, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, and Prosthodontics).

Master of Sciences (MSc -various specialties of the Basic & Clinical Sciences) programs were also approved to be launched in 2007, as per syndicate resolution for postgraduate programs at DIKIOHS, aimed to produce qualified clinicians, teachers and researchers in different disciplines of Basic Dental Science (i.e. Science of Dental Materials, Oral Pathology, Oral Biology, and Community Dentistry) and Clinical Sciences (i.e. Operative Dentistry, Orthodontics, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics, Oral Medicine and Periodontology).

DIKIOHS is also a center of excellence for FCPS training, in different Specialties (i.e., Operative Dentistry, Orthodontics, Oral Surgery and Prosthodontics). The postgraduate students are doing their training under the guidance of CPSP approved Supervisors.

Students Enrollment at DIKIOHS

S.No. Program Total Number of Enrolled Students Till 2018 Total Number Of Students Currently Studying Total Number Of Graduated/ Postgraduated Students
1. BDS 1210 402 789
2. BS (DCP) 186 110 71
3. MDS 149 120 18
4. FCPS 46 20 15 completed training, 11 clear FCPS exam
5. MSc 173 141 ---

Graduates & Post graduates

S.No. Program Passed out
1 BDS 789
2 DCP 74
3 FCPS 9
4 MDS 18
5 MSc

Faculty of Dentistry

Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors
7 12 21
Grand Total : 40

Academic Programs

Envision to be the Centre of excellence for dental education, DIKIOHS offers the following undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs:

Undergraduate Programs:

  • Bachelors of Dental Surgery (BDS)
  • Bachelor of Sciences – Dental Care Professionals (BS-DCP)

Postgraduates Programs:

  • Masters of Dental Surgery (MDS)
    • Clinical Dental Sciences
    • Basic Dental Sciences
  • Masters of Dental Sciences (MSc)
    • Clinical Dental Sciences
    • Basic Dental Sciences
  • FCPS training program
  • (Orthodontics, Prosthodontics, Oral Surgery, Operative Dentistry)

The Dental Hospital

The Dental Hospital is equipped with 125 dental chairs, has 9 out-patient Departments, namely Oral Diagnosis, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Radiology, Periodontology, Prosthodontics, Crown & Bridge, Orthodontics and Operative Dentistry. The Dental Hospital is providing training to undergraduate / postgraduate students as well as providing quality treatment for public and community.

The clinical work at the hospital is augmented by best practices, good sterilization protocols and requisite equipment. All its departments are provided with material and equipment, which are further provided to patients at a minimum cost.

The Post Graduate Training

Post Graduate Training Centre at DIKIOHS is providing fellowship (FCPS) training at the Departments of Orthodontics, Prosthodontics, Oral Surgery and Operative Dentistry after being recognized by College of Physicians & Surgeon (CPSP).

Post Graduate Training Centre of DIKIOHS is providing Residency (MDS) training at the Departments of Orthodontics, Prosthodontics, Oral Surgery, Operative Dentistry, Community Dentistry, Oral Pathology, Oral Biology, and Science of Dental Materials after being recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PM&DC).

There are 33 P.G Trainees who have passed MDS and 11 P.G Trainees who have passed FCPS – II examination from DIKIOHS. Out of these students, three students who have done FCPS /MDS are from the DIKIOHS.

School of Dental Care Professionals

School of Dental Care Professionals of Dow University aims to produce dental technologists, hygienists and other dental auxiliaries to meet the demands of new and most sophisticated dental care system in Pakistan, in addition to providing a trained work force to an ever-increasing need for qualified Para-medical staff. Currently, 9 Batches of School of Dental Care Professionals have been graduated since 2007.

Annual System Study Mode

Undergraduate Programs

Bachelors of Dental Surgery (BDS)

Curriculum Overview

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Theory Practical
4101 - ANAT General Anatomy 14 100 100
4102 - GPHY General Physiology 10 100 100
4103 - BIOCHE Biochemistry 8 50 50
4104 - OBIOM Oral Biology and Tooth Morphology 8 100 100
Total 40 350 350
Total (Theory + Practical) 700
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Theory Practical
4205 - GPHARM Pharmacology 10 100 100
4206 - OPATH Oral Pathology 6 100 100
4207 - GPATH Pathology 10 100 100
4208 - SCDM Science of Dental Materials 14 100 100
Total 40 400 400
Total (Theory + Practical) 800
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Theory Practical
4309 - GMED General Medicine 7 100 100
4310 - GSURG General Surgery 7 100 100
4311 - CD Community and Preventive Dentistry 10 50 50
4312 - PERIOM Periodontology / Oral Medicine 12 100 100
Total 36 350 350
Total (Theory + Practical) 700
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Theory Practical
4413 - PROSTH Prosthodontics 13 100 200
4414 - ORTH Orthodontics 12 100 200
4415 - OMFS Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 13 100 200
4415 - OMFS Periodontology / Oral Medicine 12 100 100
Total 48 400 800
Total (Theory + Practical) 1200
Total Credit Hours 164

Academic Procedure

Admission Process

  • Student admission process as given by PM&DC
  • Development of aptitude test / National Testing Service (NTS) Conducts admission test
  • Final selection and interview is conducted centrally representative from dental institute is mandatory.
  • Management / record keeping of Student educational credential centralized.
  • Academic records of every student are maintained by Admission cell. Candidates applying DIKIOHS will follow the criteria and other formalities for Admission as given in the prospectus.

Curriculum Designing and Course Catalog

It is consistent as per PM&DC guidelines, if the need arises to make any change in the curricula, it will be initiated through the Board of Studies in the curriculum committee and its approval will be sought from the Academic Council and then it is intimated to the PM&DC. These changes are finalized in HEC curriculum review meetings. Individual faculty member needs to prepare Teachers Portfolio as per QEC, DUHS guidelines to inculcate their teaching load.

Academic Calendar is available for each program.

Teaching Process for Various Academic Courses

There are four basic and six clinical disciplines at DIKIOHS, namely


  • Science of Dental Materials
  • Oral Biology
  • Community Dentistry
  • Oral Pathology


  • Periodontology
  • Oral Medicine / Diagnosis
  • Oral Surgery / Radiology
  • Operative Dentistry
  • Prosthodontics
  • Orthodontics

Departments at DIKIOHS

  1. Department of Science of Dental Materials
  2. Department of Oral Biology
  3. Department of Community Dentistry
  4. Department of Oral Pathology
  5. Department of Periodontology
  6. Department of Oral Medicine / Diagnosis
  7. Department of Oral Surgery / Radiology
  8. Department of Operative Dentistry
  9. Department of Prosthodontics
  10. Department of Orthodontics

Research Activities

  • Individual Research is being done by the Post Graduate Students as part of curricula to fulfill the criteria for post-graduation.
  • Undergraduate students are also involved in research activities which are supervised by their teachers.

Postgraduate Programs

  • Masters of Dental Surgery (MDS)
    • Clinical Dental Sciences
    • Basic Dental Sciences
  • Masters of Dental Sciences (MSc)
    • Clinical Dental Sciences
    • Basic Dental Sciences
  • FCPS training program
  • (Orthodontics, Prosthodontics, Oral Surgery, Operative Dentistry)

Academic Constituents of DIKIOHS

    The Dental College:
  1. The Dental College for imparting under-graduate dental education leading to the degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS), fulfilling the requirements of the Pakistan Medical &Dental Council (PM&DC).
    A subject specialist with supporting staff heads each department. This college is one of the four in the country, which has been permitted to enroll 100 undergraduate dental students every year.

  2. The Dental Hospital:
  3. The Dental Hospital, with 125 dental chairs, has 9 out-patient Departments, namely Oral Diagnosis, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Radiology, Periodontology, Prosthodontics, Crown & Bridge, Orthodontics and Operative Dentistry, and procedures, including extraction of teeth, filling, root canal, capping and emergency oral treatment are offered.
    The clinical work at the hospital is augmented by best practice, good sterilization protocols and requisite gadgetry. All its departments are provided with material and equipment, which are further provided to patients at minimum cost.

  4. The Post Graduate Training and Research Centre:
  5. Post Graduate Training and Research Centre of DIKIOHS is providing fellowship (FCPS) training at the Departments of Orthodontics, Prosthodontics, Oral Surgery and Operative Dentistry after being recognized by College of Physicians & Surgeon (CPSP).
  6. Post Graduate Training and Research Centre of DIKIOHS is providing Residency (MDS) training at the Departments of Orthodontics, Prosthodontics, Oral Surgery, Operative Dentistry, Community Dentistry, Oral Pathology, Oral Biology, Science of Dental Materials after being recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PM&DC).

  7. School of Dental Auxiliary Sciences:
  8. School of Dental Auxiliary Sciences of Dow University aims to produce Dental Technologists, Hygienists and other Dental Auxiliaries to meet the demands of new and more sophisticated Dental Care system in Pakistan, besides providing trained work force to ever-increasing Dental Surgeons.

Contact Us

Ojha Campus-DUHS, Gulzar-e-Hijri Scheme-33,
Suparco Road, Karachi.
Phone: +92 21 38771111

Details of Services Provided at DIKIOHS


Undergraduate & Postgraduate programs


Clinical Services at very nominal rates to the community and public is available for easy access and is being offered by the Department of Oral Diagnosis, Periodontology, Operative Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Orthodontics & Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.

Academic Supporting Services

  • Institutional Head monitors & evaluates the overall academic performance where QEC also evaluates the performance by using various quality assurance tools provided by the HEC.
  • DIKIOHS has developed the quality objectives which are reviewed by the Principal and QEC time to time to assess the overall performance of the institute through student and teacher feedback and taking necessary corrective / preventive measures.
  • Student's performance is evaluated periodically through formative and summative assessments. Departmental presentation/projects and assignments are being assigned by the Heads of the Departments to assist individual learning, during the course of the degree program.

Facilities Provided

  • Central Library is available at DUHS (Ojha Campus) which facilitates the DIKIOHS with reading room and digital library facilities
  • Departmental Laboratories are available for basic and clinical subjects.
  • CME is conducted on periodic levels by Professional Development Center (PDC), DUHS.
  • Workshops and seminars are periodically organized
  • Research is being supported by Central Research Department or ORIC at DUHS
  • Sport facilities (Gymnasium, Playground, Etc.) are available at Ojha Campus.
  • Canteen available in the premises
  • Any other support that is committed in the prospectus.

Examination Process

Examination system is centralized, and the papers are formulated at Q-Bank with the help of concerned department by nominating the faculty members which are being reviewed by the subject specialist. Question paper is set at Q-Bank after review and its being generated by Central Examination Department, DUHS.

Overall Assessment

Define here the overall assessment and attributes of the students set by institution (Formative & Summative Assessments).

  • Internal Evaluation
  • Periodic Class Tests
  • Mid Term Evaluation/test
  • Research Projects, as assigned
  • Attendance (mandatory attendance is required as per University Policy)


Administration section is responsible for:

  • The Maintenance of infrastructure in coordination with P&D Department.
  • To facilitate all administrative coordination of institute to corporate.
  • To facilitate control of document and records.
  • Cater students and patients complaints and assistance.
  • To maintain efficient and effective functioning of administrative services.
  • Receive mails from head office and other departments and constituent institutions for effective communication.
  • Participate in examination related activities.
  • To coordinate the requisition launched by different departments to the heads.
  • Provide necessary support to the students, whenever needed.
  • Provide necessary support to the faculty, whenever needed.
  • Establish a code of student conduct for disciplinary issues within the institute.

Pathway of Clinical Services

News and Activities

October 12th Oath Taking Ceremony -
November 7th Showtime (Movie: Annabelle, The Creation) Dramatics & Entertainment Society
November 8th Teachers VS Students Cricket & Badminton Competition Sports Society
November 11th Certificate Distribution Ceremony of IBEX Global Participants & IHM Interns -
November 22nd Quiz Competition Literary & Debate Society
November 23rd Government School Project "Being The Change" Community Service Society
November 28th Chinese Cultural Day -
November 29th Guest Speaker Session on Topic "The Living Role Model" by Shujja Uddin Shiekh Sahab Literary & Debate Society
December 2nd Annual Picnic at Turtle Beach Dramatics & Entertainment Society
December 5th Business & Marketing Gala -
December 6th Guest Speaker Session on topic "Valuing Our Time" by Dr Rabia Kamal Literary & Debate Society
December 7th Health Awareness Event -

Description of Events

  • IHM has 5 Societies run by President for all societies, Vice Presidents and General Secretaries with Patrons for respective societies. The Society office bearers took oath after the director, Dr Riaz Hussain Soomro, and has been holding office since then.

  • SHOWTIME (Movie: Annabelle, The Creation)
  • Right after Mid Term Examinations, the Dramatics and Entertainment Society arranged for a horror movie as a treat for the students of IHM. Annabelle, the Creation, was picked for the students which they thoroughly enjoyed.

  • The Sports Society organized a very fun-filled competition between Teachers and Students of IHM. Cricket match was for males and Badminton for females. Both the competitions were won by students.

  • Certificates were distributed amongst the winners and participants of IBEX Global, Emerging Leaders Program and the IHM Interns. Participation in events and competitions was highly encouraged by the director, Dr Riaz Hussain Soomro.

  • A very informative Quiz Competition was organized by Literary & Debate Society on the topic "Pakistan". The teams and audience gave amazing response to this event.

  • The Community Service Society did a project "Being the Change" at a Government Urdu Boys Primary School located in the vicinity of Ojha Campus. The society did different intellectual activities with children at the school and distributed some stationery items.

  • This cultural day was organized by BBA-3 & BBA-8 under the supervision of their Foreign Language (Chinese) teacher, Ms Samreen Khan. Chinese culture was beautifully displayed by the students.

  • GUEST SPEAKER SESSION ON "The Living Role Model"
  • A very soul enriching session was conducted by the respected Shujja Uddin Shiekh Sahab on the topic "The Living Role Model". It was a houseful event where students and faculty participated in discussions and Q/A session which was very thought provoking and soul enriching. This speaker session was organized by Literary & Debate Society.

  • Dramatics & Entertainment Society arranged a fun-packed picnic at the turtle beach. Food and different activities were organized for the students to have a break from the hectic routine of university and studies.

  • This event took place in collaboration among three teachers; Ms Umme Amen, Ms Yasmeen and Ms Erum Ghayas. New and innovative business and marketing ideas were displayed by the students of BBA-6, BBA-8, MBA-4 and MBA-5. Each team had a stall and they were evaluated by an external and faculty of IHM.

  • Another Guest Speaker Session was organized by Literary & Debate Society on the topic "Valuing Our Time". The session was only for female students of IHM conducted by Dr Rabia Kamal who visited from Zaynab Academy. This session was also very soul enriching and a very good guide on keeping the religion in alignment with our day to day activities.

  • This event was conducted by the Students of BBA-7 under the supervision of Ms Wajiha Saghir. Different stalls were set up and decorated by the students who gave awareness of different health issues in association with their health program evaluation course. They had also arranged for some healthy and intellectual games.

Dental Health Management Solutions Cde Mds


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