Dr Oz Calorie Restriction Diet Plan

South Beach Diet Plan (PDF and PRINTABLE)

The South beach diet plan is named after an area in Miami, it is a low carb diet plan popular for its success in weight loss.

It was proposed by a cardiologist Arthur Agatston, since it's inception it has enjoyed a wide range of acceptance till date.

The diet facilitates weight loss alongside good cardiac conditions. In this article we shall discuss it success and failures extensively.

What is South Beach Diet Plan?

south beach diet plan

south beach diet plan – what is south beach diet

The cardiologist Dr. Agatston during his cardiac related studies observed his patients following the Atkins diet plan, and compared them with others taking high carb food.

He observed that those on Atkins diet lost weight better while their counterparts were struggling.

However, he wasn't pleased with the high fat intake allowed by the Atkins diet, it was dangerous for people with heart disease.

This spurred him to set up a more balanced diet plan that would cover for his observed imbalance.

The South Beach diet plan originally intended to accommodate patients of heart disease and non patients who have weight issues equally without tendencies of making anybody worse.

Haven studied thoroughly he formed the south beach diet, a diet characterized by rich low glycemic index carb, unsaturated fats, and of course lean proteins.

His work was considered credible because he first used it and it worked tremendously for him before he began recommending it for his patients who had same experience.

How South Beach Diet Works?

South Beach Diet Plan - How it works

South Beach Diet Plan – How it works

The south beach diet runs in phases, the first two phases are geared towards weight loss while the later focuses on weight maintenance. Let's take a run down on these phases.

Phase 1 (Lasts for 14days)

Here is detailed description of South Beach Diet meal plan phase 1

south beach diet plan - phase 1

south beach diet plan – phase 1

This phase has the ability to lose 3-6kg of your weight if you can strictly comply. It mandates that you avoid grains, fruits, and other high carb containing food items.

The goal of this strict restriction is to stabilize your appetite and blood sugar level. What then would your meals contain?

Your meals would remain three times a day containing a rich blend of lean proteins, a bit of healthy legumes and fat, and non starchy vegetables.

This phase requires you to take snacks (twice a day) which must be rich in vegetables and lean proteins.

Food to Include in Your Phase 1

Having read Dr. Agatston's book thoroughly, I would recommend the list of food items for phase.

For Your Lean Proteins

  • Lean pork, beef, veal, lamb and other games
  • Fish, shellfish, skinless chicken, turkey breast
  • Pepperoni, eggs, egg whites, turkey bacon, etc.
  • Soy-based meat substitutes
  • Low-fat hard cheese, ricotta cheese and cottage cheese
  • Low-fat milk, buttermilk, soy milk, etc. (limited to 2 cups 473 ml daily)

Although there are no limits to the amount of the proteins to be consumed, it is important to note that they are to be consumed in small proportions.

Non-Starchy Vegetables

The following vegetables are not allowed in your phase 1 diet: carrots, beets, turnips, corn, peas, yams, white potatoes, and winter squash.

All other vegetables are allowed in a proportion of 4 ½ cups per day.

Nuts and Seeds (28grams per day)

  • Cashews, almonds, pecans, pistachios, walnuts and other nuts
  • Nut butters, limited to 2 tbsp
  • Chia seeds, flaxseeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and other seeds

Legumes (1/3-1/2 cups per day)

  • Kidney beans, black beans, navy beans, pinto beans, garbanzo beans and other bean varieties
  • Lentils, split peas, black-eyed peas, etc
  • Edamame and soybeans
  • Hummus, limited to 1/4 cup

Oil and Fats (2tbsp per day)

  • Monounsaturated oils like olive, canola, macadamia and avocado oils
  • Vegetable and seed oils, such as corn, flaxseed, grape seed, peanut, safflower, sesame and soybean oil.

Beverages (Moderate caffeine intake)

  • Coffee, regular or decaffeinated
  • Tea, regular, decaffeinated or herbal
  • Sugar-free sodas
  • Sugar-free drink mixes
  • Tomato juice or vegetable juice


  • Broth, herbs, spices, horseradish, mustard, lemon juice or salsa
  • All vinegars, with balsamic (limited to 1 tbsp)
  • Light coconut milk, limited 1/4 cup (59 ml)
  • Soy sauce, steak sauce or miso (limited to 1 1/2 tsp (7 ml)
  • Cream, whole milk or half and half (limited to 1 tbsp)
  • Light sour cream or cream cheese (limited to 2 tbsp)
  • Light whipped topping (limited to 2 tbsp)

Foods to avoid (Phase 1)

  • Fatty poultry, and meat
  • Whole milk, butter and coconut oil
  • Honey, Foods made with refined sugar, maple syrup and agave nectar
  • Grains
  • Alcohol, all fruits, and fruit juice
  • Carrots, beets, corn, turnips, yams, peas, white potatoes and winter squash

Here is a shopping list for South Beach diet plan phase 1

South Beach Diet Plan Phase 2 and Phase 3

Here is the detailed description of South Beach Diet meal plan phase 2

south beach diet plan - phase 2

south beach diet plan – phase 2

Phase 2: This phase is estimated to eliminate at the very least 1kg of fat from your body, it permits all of the exempted food items in phase 1 but in limited proportions.

It starts with the day 15 and elapses the time till you feel you have attained your weight goal.

Phase 3: This phase basically runs on phase 2 instructions but a little more flexible, because it is aimed at weight maintenance you are expected to constantly keep check of your weight goal.

If you add weight because of the flexibility of this stage Dr. Agatston recommends you go back to phase 1.

The interesting thing about this phase is that there are no limits or restrictions to what you can eat.

Foods for Phase 2 & 3

Phase 2 is characterized by flexible adjustments to phase 1 food signified by addition of high carb food (in bits gradually), one serving per day of whole grains, fruits, light bear, wine, and starchy vegetables for the first week.

After two weeks of following the phase 2 you can increase your servings in the aforementioned food.

Phase 3 is a phase you can advance to after meeting your goal weight, in this phase there are no limits to what you could eat. A little run down on list of foods to add as you adjust in phase 2 and 3.

Whole grains & Starchy Vegetables (1-4 servings per day)

  • Rutabaga, peas, yams, sweet potatoes
  • Turnips, limited ¾ winter squash
  • Whole-grain hot cereal, cold cereal (limited to 1 cup)
  • Whole-grain bread, pasta, couscous, quinoa
  • Brown or wild rice
  • Limited 1/3 cup taro
  • limited 3 cups popcorn

Alcohol (1 serving per day)

  • Limited light beer 12 oz (355 ml)
  • Limited wine, dry red or white say 4 oz (118 ml)

Fruits limited to 1-3 servings per day are allowed except fruits like watermelon, raisins, pineapple, and figs. A serving is about 115grams.

Foods to Avoid in Phase 2 & 3

  • Fatty poultry, and meat.
  • Whole milk, butter, and coconut oil
  • Honey, foods made with refined flour or sugar, maple syrup, agave nectar
  • Fruit juice, alcohol other than light beer and dry wine
  • Corn, beets, and white potatoes
  • Figs, dates, raisins, pineapple, and watermelon

A Typical Sample of a Day's South Beach Diet

An idea of what you can work with for phase 1 & 2 for your day.

Phase 1 Day Sample

  • Breakfast: 3 eggs and 1 cup kale cooked with 1 tsp olive oil (See full breakfast recipe for South Beach Diet Plan)
  • Snack: 1 oz (28 grams) string cheese with bell pepper slices (See full snack list for South Beach Diet Plan)
  • Lunch: Roasted salmon and asparagus salad with mustard vinaigrette
  • Snack: Celery sticks with 2 tsp peanut butter
  • Dinner: Lean steak with broccoli

Phase 2 Day Sample

  • Breakfast: Peanut butter oatmeal
  • Snack: 1 cup of cucumber slices with 1/4 cup hummus
  • Lunch: Apple-walnut chicken salad
  • Snack: Cottage cheese with cherry tomatoes
  • Dinner: Pork fajitas with 1/3 cup guacamole

Pro's and Cons of the South Beach Diet

The benefits of following this diet plan includes:

  • It achieves weight loss without hunger
  • Effective hormone regulation through quality protein intake
  • Good for everyone diabetic, non diabetic, etc


  • It permits some toxic fat like soybean oil, safflower oil, etc.
  • It is too restrictive on oils; it should include more quality oils in its diet.

Bottom line Conclusively no doubt the South Beach Diet is awesome and good, it only lacks behind in its consideration of fats and oil.

It should be more objective with fats and choose the best quality of starch in its diet.

Types of South Beach Diet Plan

South Beach Diet Plans
South Beach Diet Phase 1 Meal Plan
South Beach Diet Phase 2 Meal Plan
South Beach Keto Diet Plan
South Beach Vegetarian Diet Plan
South Beach Diet Plan for Women
South Beach Diet Breakfast
South Beach Diet Snacks

Printable South Beach Diet Plan (PDF)

1200 Calorie Diet Plan

Raw Food Diet Plan

Dr Oz Calorie Restriction Diet Plan

Source: https://www.dietsmealplan.com/south-beach-diet/south-beach-diet-plan/

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